Jewelry Maker and Entrepreneur 's Facebook Page
Facebook Jewelers Pages — 10-01-2015
Jewelry maker and entrepreneur. ...
Facebook Jewelers Pages — 10-01-2015
Jewelry maker and entrepreneur. ...
Facebook Jewelers Pages — 18-06-2013
Every Living Locket is custom design with charms that tell the story of your life and represent the things you Love. For more information, please visit
Facebook Jewelers Pages — 24-01-2013
stylish new finds from emerging designers and on-trend house brands. All hand-picked, and all at up to 60% off. Go grab some style!...
$5 — Facebook Jewelers Pages — 05-01-2013
DREAMS CAN COME TRUE! I'm on my way to making my dreams come true as a designer with Origami Owl. These gorgeous lockets are sweeping the nation and O2 is the latest success story in the direct sales ...